

The products that we work on typically have some electronic or software components. Sometimes the electronics or software might be quite simple, turning on LEDs or reading switches. Often, we are designing more complex systems that automate a process in response to a measured stimuli such as a heating system responding to a thermostat.

Connected devices and systems

Multiple devices are often connected to create a network of interactive devices. When this network uses the Internet Protocol (IP) or extends over the internet, then it is commonly referred to as the IoT (Internet of Things



Any automated system is only capable of responding to changes that it can sense.  We have a broad and in-depth knowledge of sensors and the circuits and algorithms needed to make the most of them.

We have developed systems that approach a digital nose or tongue, and we can accurately detect and quantify variations in habitable and non-habitable environments. 

Furthermore, we have close relationships with cutting-edge sensor scientists and engineers and consequently can assist in developing a range of sensors including bio-chemical sensors.

Fault Tolerant Systems

We have extensive experience designing and verifying fault tolerant systems and mitigating single event upsets. Our experience in design for safety critical and mission critical systems and our skill in developing fault tolerant control systems means we are sought out to develop medical devices and aerospace systems.

We have been responsible for identifying and fixing design defects and documentation errors and omissions in high profile aerospace projects. Sometimes an automated system acting autonomously with another automated system might result in unintended consequences:


A Deadly Embrace

We were called in to investigate why test pilots were experiencing lock up of the fuel computer on an aircraft.  We analysed and modelled the complete system and found that the main computer and backup were occasionally moving into a deadly embrace, we provided a solution, and the plane is now flying.


Machine and Computer Vision

The responsiveness, accuracy and usefulness of automated systems can be further enhanced using machine or computer vision. We work with cameras over the visible and extended spectrums.

Video feeds from one or more cameras are processed using signal processing and machine learning techniques allowing tasks such as identifying, tracking and sorting to be automated without human intervention.


Child's Play

A medical device we were developing was made more user friendly for children by incorporating games for them to play while simultaneously receiving treatment. We developed a system that used computer vision to respond to the child’s movements to control the game.


Experience & Expertise

Our experience of video and cameras is based on our in-depth experience of broadcast, postproduction, and video processing from developing some of the most advanced award-winning studio and broadcast equipment.  Our extensive knowledge of video systems, cameras and a deep understanding of their limits and capabilities, when coupled with the latest machine learning and AI algorithms results in highly accurate computer and machine vision systems.